Symposium G:
AI/Data Driven Materials Science and Technology
Progress of materials science and engineering had been restricted for decades in the 20th century as it generally requires a large amount of high-quality experimental data necessitating huge expense and human costs. The situation has been, however, drastically improved in the last decade by the development of machine learning or artificial intelligence (AI) combined with accurate first-principles calculations and high-throughput experiments based on combinatorial and automatic approaches. Large materials data produced by these techniques allow for finding out as-yet-undiscovered hidden rules, accelerating the progress of materials science. The symposium will highlight achievements and challenges from these fields of research including the demonstration of materials database based on first-principles calculations, AI-guided and/or data-driven materials discovery/synthesis, high-throughput experiments with automation and combinatorial methods, machine learning applied to materials science such as spectroscopy, imaging technology, and structure predictions.
Topics will include:
Computational materials database
High-throughput experiments involving combinatorial methods and automation
Machine learning prediction of physical/chemical properties
AI guided or data driven materials discovery/synthesis
Spectroscopy and imaging technology (STEM, etc.) based on machine learning
Invited Speakers:
Kazuaki Toyoura (Kyoto University, Japan)
“Efficient Exploration of Potential Energy Surfaces by Machine Learning”
Akira Takahashi (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
“Development of efficient material exploration method by high-throughput first-principles calculations and active learning technique”
Keisuke Nagato (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
“Powder Process Informatics —Data-driven experimental-based parameter exploration in powder-film-formation process”
Kan Hatakeyama (Waseda University, Japan)
“Exploring mechanisms and processes of electrically conducting polymers by materials informatics with graph databases”
Kyoungdoc Kim (Pohang University of Science and Technology, South Korea)
“Integrated Computational Materials Engineering & Artificial Intelligence for Structural Alloy Design”
Symposium Organizers
Yu Kumagai
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Ryota Shimizu
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Minseok Choi
Inha University
South Korea
Novel Functional Materials
Nano-Materials Science and Devices
AI/Data Driven Materials Science and Technology
Advances in Biomedical Science and Engineering
Sustainable Materials, Processes, and Applications
Frontier Electronics, Spintronics, Phononics
Soft Matter and Biomaterial Interface
Functional Materials Research for Social Implementation
Advanced Materials for Energy and Environmental Science
Advanced Photonic Materials and Devices
Design and Applications in Molecular Technology