Symposium A:
Novel Functional Materials
The discovery of new solid-state materials in powder, single crystal, and powder form and relevant attractive properties brings about the innovation of materials science and engineering. Development of synthetic approaches and characterization methods, occasionally assisted by computational approaches, enables us to further control the compositions, local structures, and morphologies at the atomic level, extending the properties and applications of materials. New materials are being obtained via exploratory synthesis, but chemists have recently focused on the rational design of materials so as to maximize the functional properties. This symposium will be aimed to share the latest advances and great challenges in the discovery of novel functional materials through rational design approach, including energy storage, photonic, electronic, magnetic, thermoelectric, and superconducting materials. It will also highlight the cutting-edge theoretical, numerical, and modelling approaches, as well as characterization and analytical methods.
Topics will include:
Design and synthesis of novel functional materials
Reaction mechanism of novel functional materials
Emerging properties and characterization techniques
New ideas, simulation, and modelling of new materials
Invited Speakers:

Masaya Fujioka (Hokkaido University, Japan)
"Thermodynamically metastable materials obtained by ion diffusion control"

Jun Kikkawa (National Institute for Materials Science, Japan)
"Nanometer-resolution phonon spectroscopy using monochromated electron probe"

Thao Tran (Clemson University, USA)
"Chemical Logic to Design Materials Featuring Topological Spin Textures"

Hai Feng (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
"Magnetic and electrical properties of 5d double perovskite oxides"

Shunsuke Sasaki (University of Nantes, France)
"The Use of Anion Redox for Topochemical Syntheses of Layered Metal Chalcogenides"
Symposium Organizers

Yoshihiro Tsujimoto
National Institute for Materials Science
International Center for Materials Nanoarchitechtonics (WPI-MANA)

Akira Miura
Hokkaido University
Faculty of Engineering, Applied Chemistry

Cedric Tassel
Kyoto University
Department of Energy and Hydrocarbon Chemistry, Graduate Schools of Engineering

Huiwen Ji
The University of Utah
Materials Science and Engineering

Hongcheng Lu
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Novel Functional Materials
Nano-Materials Science and Devices
AI/Data Driven Materials Science and Technology
Advances in Biomedical Science and Engineering
Sustainable Materials, Processes, and Applications
Frontier Electronics, Spintronics, Phononics
Soft Matter and Biomaterial Interface
Functional Materials Research for Social Implementation
Advanced Materials for Energy and Environmental Science
Advanced Photonic Materials and Devices
Design and Applications in Molecular Technology